WeatherClock widget

برنامه هواشناسی تا 4 روز آینده بههمراه ساعت! با دو ویدجت زیبا در دو سایزه متفاوت

یه نرم افزار فوق العاده و با ساپورت شهرهای ایران بدون مشکل در آپدیت!

Genuine home screen widget, and
weather app. You can choose
between 2 widget formats. Depending on the format it will display time, date and forecast for next 4 days.
Tapping on clock opens default clock app, tapping on date opens default calendar app, taping on current weather icon will refresh the weather data, and tapping on the location / forecast opens the cWeather.
On the cWeather you can add / remove cities, select temperature unit, language, widget update frequency and icons.

Supplied by OutCast a.k.a Flaco

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