Alexander Rössler QRemoteControl2 v2.03(1) S^3 Anna Belle Signed Retail by the_aLeXiS

با اين برنامه مي توانيد از طريق wifi كامپيوتر خود را به وسيله ي موبايلتون كنترل كنيد !

Alert برنامه ساين شده است!
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QT است !

With QRemoteControl installed on your
Smartphone you can easily control your
computer via WiFi.
By using the touchpad of your Phone you can for example open the internet browser and navigate to the pages you want to visit, use the music player or your media center without being next to your PC or laptop.
Summurazing QRemoteControl allows you to do almost everything you would be able to do with a mouse and a keyboard, but also from a greater distance.
To make these replacements possible
QRemoteControl offers you a touchpad, a keyboard, multimedia keys and buttons for starting applications.
Even powering on the computer via Wake On Lan is supported by this app.

The fresh design makes QRemoteControl an eyecatcher for your living room.
Moreover serveral color designs for the
user interface are aviable to adapt it to
your individual favour.
Automatically swiching from portrait to landscape mode is another feature making it pefectly fiting for the user in every situation.

By now the server application is available for Windows and Linux.

Download QRemoteControl-Server: 2.2.4 :